22 year old man with stomach pain, vomiting and loose motions
Hi, I am Souraja Acharya, 3rd Sem Medical Student. This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's consent . This also reflects patient centered care and online learning portfolio. Chief complaints A 22 year old man who just finished his Btech and is a resident of Miriyalguda presented to the OPD with stomach pain from front to back, vomiting since 6 days and loose motions since 4 days. History of present illness Patient was asymptomatic a week back TUESDAY- continuous vomitings and motions WEDNESDAY-6 times motions, 4 times vomiting THURSDAY- 3 times motions, 3 times vomiting The stool was watery in consistency, not foul smelling and there was no blood. FRIDAY- went to a local hospital in Miriyalguda where the doctor asked him to get a RFT done and a USG. Report-- Creatinine-6. 4 Blood urea-68 USG- mild mild raise echogenicity of both kidneys, renal parenchyma changeswith RFT correlation. Then, he got admitted i...